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The Deeper Meaning of Prakruti

ayurveda education Feb 22, 2025
ayurveda prakruti dosha ayurvedic yoga

The Deeper Meaning of Prakruti
Understanding Your Constitutional Nature

When most people discover Ayurveda, they often begin by learning about the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and how these energies influence their bodies and minds. While that’s a great starting point, there’s a deeper layer to explore: Prakruti. More than just, “what’s my dosha?”, Prakruti is about understanding your intrinsic blueprint; one that can reveal insights about your life, tendencies, and journey of self-discovery. 

What Is Prakruti? 

In Sanskrit, Prakruti is commonly translated as “original nature,” “natural state,” or “constitution.” Etymologically, it can be broken down as: 

  • Pra – meaning primary or before. 
  • Kruti – meaning creation or action. 

Thus, Prakruti can be seen as your primary creation > the energetic seed of your individual material makeup or constitutional nature. It includes both the subtle (energetic, mental, emotional) and gross (physical) components of your material body. In a broader yogic sense, this seed is influenced by samskaras (past impressions), karma (actions and their results), and the unique identity of the soul (purusha or atman) as it interacts with the material realm. 

The Seed Analogy 

A simple way to understand Prakruti is through this seed analogy. Imagine an apple seed: 

  • It contains the latent potential to become an apple tree, nothing else. 
  • Under the right environmental conditions (soil, sunlight, water), it will grow and bear apples. 
  • It will never become an orange tree, cactus, or a human being; it flourishes as an apple tree, but care for it in the same way you'd care for a cactus or human, and the tree will suffer.

Similarly, your Prakruti holds your unique blueprint, including your physical tendencies (e.g., body type, health predispositions) and subtle mental-emotional patterns. Like a seed’s destiny to produce apples, your nature has certain innate leanings - gifts, challenges, karmic influences - that shape your life path, with a particular array of unique needs to help you flourish.

The Broader Scope of Prakruti 

While we often link Prakruti to “my dosha” or “my constitution,” it’s important to see it as more than just an physical body type. Prakruti also encompasses: 

  • Mental-Emotional Tendencies: How you cope with stress, form relationships, or respond to challenges. 
  • Karmic Influences: Why certain life events or lessons keep showing up for you. 
  • Potential for Growth: What you’re naturally drawn to learning or mastering, and how you evolve over time. 

Understanding these layers can help you see the full picture why you have certain likes and dislikes; and why operate the way you do. 

Prakruti & Your Yoga Journey 

Yoga is the path of self-discovery - a way to still the fluctuations of the mind so we can discover (and live in harmony with) our true nature. Your Prakruti can support your yoga journey by:

  • Choosing Yoga-Asana Practices: Vata-dominant individuals may benefit from grounding and stabilising asana, while Pitta types might need cooling and calming, and Kapha types energising flows. More subtly, if you’re prone to a busy mind (rajasic influence) or lethargy (tamasic influence), certain pranayama or meditation techniques can help bring balance. 
  • Acceptance of yourself and others: When you discover your innate tendencies and patterns, it’s easier to cultivate self-awareness and acceptance of your personal 'operating system'. You can work with your natural inclinations rather than against them, and become more accepting of the natural differences in others. 
  • Growth: Recognising that your current imbalanced/modified state (Vikruti) might shift away from your original Prakruti can highlight areas for change and growth, such as shifting emotional patterns, learning from karmic lessons, or implementing lifestyle changes that can help you realign with a more harmonious lifestyle.
  • And of course, when we're living a more harmonious lifestyle, we have more energy and capacity to focus on pursuing our Higher Purpose; plus, we can dovetail our tendencies into being of service to others and the Supreme.

 Applying Prakruti in Daily Life 

  • By acknowledging your unique blueprint, you can adapt your lifestyle (diet, exercise routine, and daily habits) to support balance rather than fight against your nature. 
  • Knowing your inherent mental-emotional tendencies can guide you toward strategies for stress management and emotional resilience. 
  • When you understand your “apple seed” potential, you can set realistic, authentic goals; ones that align with your core strengths and life trajectory. 
  • Tailor your asana and pranayama to complement your Prakruti, making your practice a powerful tool for supporting health and wellbeing.  

Final Thoughts 

Prakruti is more than just a label like “Vata-Pitta” or “Kapha.” It’s the energetic seed of your being, coded with your physical, mental, and personal potential. By understanding it more deeply, you can cultivate a life that honours your true nature, just like an apple seed that flourishes into a thriving apple tree under the right conditions. 

When you embrace your Prakruti, you’re not limiting yourself. Instead, you’re liberating yourself from the expectation to be anything other than your unique self. This realisation can bring clarity, compassion, and a sense of purpose to your yoga journey and life.

Well wishes,

Sami xo 

Live to Serve Academy 
Helping you live a vibrant, meaningful life.

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