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Choose Your Hard.

mindset women's health Feb 25, 2025
Choose Your Hard Mindset

"It's hard."

(It's hard to look after myself; grow; build a business; put myself out there, etc)

Looking at the bigger picture, the trade-off is worth it. When we choose growth, even though it feels hard, the side benefits are so worth it: feeling healthy and vibrant; creating abundance financially and energetically; maybe even getting to experience some fun things like travel, business growth and positive new relationships.
Generally speaking - Life is hard.
Growth is hard.
Business is hard.
It’s also really hard to stay stuck somewhere you know you don’t belong because you’re afraid to fail or afraid of the work involved. It’s hard to watch others do what you want/know you could be doing, but you’re not. It’s hard to be overweight and out of shape because you’re avoiding the hard work of exercise and healthy living.
Whether you consciously choose to create a pathway for yourself or unconsciously allow things to flow with the tides of life - both approaches to life come with challenges.
So choose your version of ‘hard’.
Choose where your time and effort go based on the outcomes you want to achieve.
When we choose growth, it may be time-consuming and require sacrifice, but the long-term outcome is so much richer than the instant gratification of always choosing immediate comfort.

Also, choosing to grow and progress edits out the low-vibe activities in your life. It forces you to be thoughtful about your actions and where your time goes.

You’ll notice that your life starts to change simply because you don’t have time and energy to waste on things that don’t support the work you’re doing. TV, Netflix, those lingering relationships that never felt quite right, the social events that you attend out of obligation… it all fades away when you fill your life with Growth.


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