How to Practice Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Jan 08, 2025
Cobbler’s Pose, or Baddha Konasana, is a classic seated posture in yoga that promotes hip flexibility and grounding. With the soles of the feet together and the knees opening outward, this pose gently stretches the inner thighs, groin, and hips while encouraging a long, upright spine. Known for its calming effect, Cobbler’s Pose is often used in restorative practices, meditation, and pranayama sessions.
Cobbler’s Pose provides a unique opportunity to explore the structural anatomy of the hips. The height of the knees above the floor is often influenced by both muscular tightness and the individual structure of the hip joints. Students with open hip joints will notice their knees naturally resting closer to the floor, while those with tighter hip muscles or structural limitations, such as a deeper hip socket, may see their knees higher. This variability makes the pose an excellent tool for understanding and respecting individual differences in anatomy.
Teaching & Practice Tips
- Encourage students to sit on a folded blanket or cushion if they feel their lower back rounding or struggle to maintain an upright spine. Elevating the hips can help reduce tension in the hips and groin.
- Use props such as blocks or bolsters under the knees for students with tight hips or discomfort in the groin, promoting a more supportive and relaxed experience.
- Guide students to explore the length of their spine, reaching up through the crown of the head while maintaining a natural curve in the lower back.
- Encourage mindfulness of breath in the pose, focusing on softening the inner thighs and releasing unnecessary tension in the hips with each exhale.
Doshas (Balancing for)
- Vata
- Pitta
- Kapha
Chakras Stimulated
- Root
- Sacral
How to Practice (image references and cues listed below)
Cobbler Pose Suggested Cues:
1. Start seated on your mat with a tall spine, legs extended in front of you.
- Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to fall out to the sides.
- Hold your feet or ankles with your hands, gently pulling them closer to your body.
- Ground down through your sit bones, lengthen your spine upward, finding a tall and comfortable posture.
- To increase the stretch, fold forward as you gently press your elbows into your lower legs, encouraging your hips to open.
- Relax your shoulders and keep them away from your ears, maintaining a relaxed upper body.
- Engage in slow and deep breathing.
- Find a balance between a comfortable stretch and avoiding any strain or discomfort.
- Stay in the pose for a few breaths or longer, allowing your hips to gently release and open.
- To release out of the pose, bring your hands to the outsides of your knees, gently guiding your legs together, and extend your legs forward.
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