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How to Practice Crane Pose (Bakasana)

techniques yoga yoga teacher training Sep 05, 2024

Crow Pose (Bakasana) is an empowering and playful posture that's challenging, while at the same time inviting space for learning the process of patient, gradual development, and failing (and.or falling!) towards success. 
It invites us to shift our mindset from fear or worry to playful curiosity while executing a complex, multidimensional coordination of strength, balance and poise. 

This pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, upper back, and core. It improves coordination of the mind, body, and breath, and promotes improved bodily awareness.

Teaching & Practice Tips:

  • Spread the fingers wide for better stability and weight distribution. 

  •  Engage your pelvic floor and muscles mula bandha to help lift the feet off the ground. 

  •  Keep the elbows bent at about 90 degrees to create a stable shelf for your knees. 

  •  This is a challenging pose, and well placed after the body is warmed up and the mind is focused. You can also do some simple core work to prime proprioceptive awareness in the core region. 

Doshas (Balancing for): 

  • Vata 
  • Pitta 

Chakras Stimulated: 

  • Sacral  
  • Solar Plexus 

How to Practice (image references and cues listed below):

Crow Pose Suggested Cues:  

  1. Start in a squat position, with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent.  
  2. Place your palms flat on the mat shoulder-width apart, fingers spread wide.  
  3. Press your palms firmly into the mat to activate your arms and shoulders, creating a firm foundation.  
  4. Bend your elbows slightly and bring your knees to the back of your upper arms, as high as possible.  
  5. Gaze forward, keeping your neck in line with your spine.  
  6. Shift your weight forward, engaging your core muscles as you begin to lift your hips.  
  7. Find a point of focus on the mat to help with balance and concentration.  
  8. Slowly lift one foot off the ground, followed by the other.  
  9. Draw your knees closer to your upper arms, hugging them in.  
  10. Use the strength of your core and arms to lift your feet off the mat, coming up into the full expression of the pose.  
  11. Keep your gaze forward and your breath steady as you hold the pose.  
  12. To come out of the pose, exhale and gently lower your feet back to the mat, returning to the squat position.

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