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Beyond Self-Love: Embracing Self-Care as a Sacred Responsibility

Oct 01, 2024

A lot of people assume that because I teach yoga, self-care and personal development I’m teaching self-love, and ‘fill your cup first’. 

I actually don’t teach this philosophy. 

What I do teach and encourage is self-discovery and health for a higher purpose. 

My jam is helping people realise and understand what a precious gift this human body is, and how to look after in order to pursue their Highest Truth. - 

I don’t teach the ‘me first’ attitude because I teach right living. With right living, it’s simply a matter of abiding by the laws of nature, and looking after yourself as a daily duty or responsibility. It’s not so much seen as a luxury or pampering, rather – if you intend to live in this body, this is what needs to be done. Just like if you intend to own a car, you do what you have to do to keep it running. We never go off on a whole head trip of, “I’m putting my car first today. Because #ilovemyself.” It’s like, I’m looking after my car, because if I don’t, I can’t get around and do the things in my life that are really important, and $$$ of dollars going to waste if it breaks down. 

Same with looking after our body: looking after it because it’s an AWESOME, miraculous vehicle. One that is WORTH putting in the effort to look after so I can carry out my mission in life. 

Why I don’t tie self-care to self-value? 

Because knowing who you really are, knowing your life’s purpose, being grounded in an attitude of service has much deeper roots of value. When we tie our value to that, our self-care isn’t actually about ‘us’ or ‘my cup first’ anymore. 

It’s about doing what needs to be done in order to live out our full potential. 

I think that realising the depth of understanding that there is more to life than ‘me’ and ‘my comfort’, is when self-care becomes dovetailed as part of our yoga practice. It’s almost a relief! We can finally let go of the guilt of spending time looking after ourselves, knowing how privileged we are to have this incredible body and higher consciousness, and know that investing in simple health practices, can be an integral part of the yoga process. 



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