How to Stress Less in 2025 (A Girls Guide to taking the Edge off Stress in Modern Western Culture)
Dec 27, 2024
Being anxious and stressed all the time has become the new normal, but it’s unnatural and unsustainable. We’ve lost touch with ourselves and Nature's way. Much of the stress we experience in modern Western society stems from materialistic ideals and a lifestyle that doesn’t support wholesome, healthy living.
It’s easy to feel frazzled and overwhelmed by life’s cumulative stress, but positive stress—like training, discipline, and building good habits—can increase resilience and vitality. These challenges may feel hard initially, but they strengthen and sustain you rather than depleting you.
Here are some of my real life (as in, these things literally have transformed both mine and my clients lives, without all being your stereotypical corporatey-type techniques) shifts/ideas to help you stress less in the new year (or anytime, really!):
- Nothing is certain in this life, but we can create a level of certainty in our days by keeping a healthy, sattvic daily routine. This creates a balance of effort and surrender in daily life - effort with the things we can control; surrender with the things we can’t control.
- We need 8hrs+ quality sleep.
3-4 whole-foods meals a day.
And daily exercise.
This will significantly reduce your mental and premenstrual problems.
- Walk outside every day, upon rising. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the sun on your skin, smell the aromas of the flowers and trees, say good morning to your neighbours. Start the day mindfully, and in tune with your natural environment. There’s no need to be on your phone at this time of the day. The world can wait.
- Go quiet; put timers on your social apps. Less external noise, more volume on your internal landscape and Lord in the Heart.
- Being bored is good. It’s unnatural and unhealthy to be stimulated or engaged constantly. Being bored is where creative ideas and deep self-reflection often arise. It gives your mind the space to wander, problem solve and ponder without interruption.
- Place more time and focus on discovering who you are; worry less about what others think of you.
- Use exercise as a foundation for feeling confident and strong. Fitness builds lasting discipline and confidence, enhancing any other self-care choices you make.
- Dress simply and smartly; forget trends. Choose timeless items and consider a capsule wardrobe where everything coordinates and reflects who you are (not the masses). Dress as if every day is the best day of your life.
- Slow down, allow yourself time to think. Self-reflect, process, adjust, plan - daily.
- Be intentional with your time. Avoid wasting it by acting impulsively or without purpose.
- Determine how much you need to live financially and align your work accordingly. Spend less on wants > understand the difference between needs and wants and see if you can minimise the latter. By doing so, you’ll free up time (by working less) or money, which you can save or invest.
- Be early; avoid rushing.
- Develop a daily sadhana that supports your mind, prana/energy and infuse it with spiritual practice (mantra, prayer, japa, etc)
- Cultivate an attitude of servitude; live to serve and serve to live. This will help to curb anxiety and cultivate contentment.
- Seek real lasting love with the Supreme; let that be the foundation of your love for all others. Relationships in this world are fraught with suffering. Love the Lord and you’ll have a strength and tolerance that helps you stay compassionate and kind no matter what’s going on around you.
- Remember that God loves you unconditionally ❤️ Go to Him with your troubles. He is waiting for you to turn to Him. When you take one step towards Him, He takes 1000 steps towards you.
Life is a delicate dance between controlling what we can and surrendering what we can't. Yoga helps us cultivate the awareness needed to discern between the two, and with that awareness, we can move through life with grace, ease, and resilience. Remember, we can’t control everything, but we can choose how we respond.
Wishing you a happy and vibrant new year!
Sami xo