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Material Mindset vs Yoga Mindset

bhakti lifestyle spirituality yoga Sep 05, 2024

Materialistic Mindset: what I can get.
Yoga Mindset: what I can give; how can I be of service.


(Unpopular opinion šŸ˜¬) There is so much talk of manifesting in the spiritual and self-help industry. It’s almost as if manifesting what you want is seen as being spiritual.

Unless what you want is love for God, getting what you want pretty much has nothing to do with spirituality; nothing to do with cultivating unconditional love for others.
Spirituality is knowing who am I in essence and acting accordingly.

It’s knowing I am spirit.
I am not my body.
I am not my mind, or my desires or emotions.
Knowing that I am a child of God and my only purpose is to be of service unto Him.

There’s really nothing spiritual about manifesting our self directed personal desires. Actually, it will only engrain you further into his material realm; binding you more and more into the wheel of samsara (birth and death; karmic reaction).

If that’s the case, do we simply not desire or act?… that’s factually impossible. And this is where there is a place for the cultivation of the yoga mindset, and surrendering of our false ego.

Often, surrender as portrayed as ‘leaving it up to the cosmos/universe’ or ‘going with the flow (flow of what šŸ¤”)’.

Surrender, as spoken of in yoga, relates to surrendering our will.
Surrendering I/Me/Mine in exchange for dovetailing our will with God's will.

And although the word surrender does require letting go... it’s in no way passive.

It takes work.
Daily introspection and meditation.
Everyday asking for guidance.
Seeking truth from a bona fide spiritual master.
Seeking truth from shastra (scripture).
‘Surrender’ is in no way passive.
It will challenge everything in you.
Until you finally ‘let go’ into Gods' hands.


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